dimanche 16 mars 2008

I remember when my teacher....

My first rant-remark of the blog ^__^; you don't have to read all this, I just needed to say it ;p
If you really want to though, or if you're damn bored, just click on the "read more" under ;)
[edit] okay, I wanted to use the "hide/show" or "read more" features, but the tutorial on these seems to be out of date.... -____-

Coincidentally, my most interesting teachers were also the strictest ones, and by strict, and I mean STRICT as in unforgiving and sharp-tongued ;) But, I often thought they were quite fair in their remarks.... it's just that those were the bluntest I've had the occasion to hear in my life, even after being out of school.

When we're still in high school, we tend to think : "The teacher is so harsh! Of course, the student was at fault for asking a question whose answer had been given 2 minutes before, but still, she didn't have to be *aggressive* sarcastic about it....." Well, like always, putting oneself into her shoes isn't the same as experimenting what she is now.

I'll get more clear on this :

The forums I join in are often the English-speaking ones, for many reasons, i'm not interested in joining in French-spoken manga discussions. Being often *the* French girl out here, I get asked some questions about my wonderful language by some of those courageous teens learning it, and I'm truly happy to be of help, really! After all, I've always wanted to become a language teacher.

Now, that doesn't mean that I have to be even more patient than the teachers they have at school, who are PAID for the time and efforts they spend on them, and all this is work that fits in their daily lives, not included in their hobby time, like for me. I have my own studies going on, and as a university Language and Civilization student, there are a couple of things that just don't seem forgivable anymore....

So, when I get asked repetitively to give the translation of a single, common word, not even a phrase, an expression or a colloquial smthg, I start to get pissed at repeating : "you know, there is this WONDERFUL online, free French-English dictionary that * I * use daily when I'm only talking to you guys and not sure of a term..... ". Without even speaking of politeness or efforts, wouldn't it be way faster to type this word in this online dico, press enter and get the answer at once rather than typing it in the forum, pressing enter, then waiting for me to get my ass there and decide I'm bored enough to actually give the answers?

Other thing I hate in this line : they give me their essay, I explain where there are faults that require actual explaining and explain them,then I'm diplomatic enough to point out where "stupid faults" (orthography, typos or missing plurals) are but leave them correct them themselves (yeah I'm not that dumb yet) and tells them they can re-write it with my explanations... and then she re-posts one so that I can check it again, and yes, with changes.... but still the exact same mistakes I corrected or pointed out before........ Now how do we say in English : "tu te fous de moi ou quoi?"... that'd be the colloquial and rude way to say "are you messing with me?" :) I think you get the idea....

Now, maybe you never tried such a thing, but by "pointing out" stupid faults, I mean underlining her every single faults using codes.... and even if it's still way faster than actually trying to explain that in French just like in English, plural nouns take an "s" and verbs must be conjugated according to gender and number...it still takes consequent time ^____^; Now, I wouldn't complain if the girl was obviously a real beginner, but what beginner could write a page worth essay? Correcting this via a forum, using colors and codes to make it easily understandable, I spent 1h30 doing it.... all that to see the person hasn't even taken the time to copy-paste my corrections in her new version? I'm not even mentioning not putting the plurals where they still belong!..... --_____--

I'd like to help people, but serious people, not those nice ones who, maybe they don't realize it but, actually abuse my kindness and ask for a beating! Why is it that each time I try to volunteer and help someone, I always get an "unworthy of my efforts and investment" person? >_<>

Now I need someone to give me an English expression corresponding to : "prendre quelqu'un pour une poire" or "être bonne poire" or "être pris pour la queue de la poire"......

I miss my godly English teachers, might they win the lottery or smthg for bearing with a bunch of this throughout their career

2 commentaires:

Daenaria a dit…

Comme je comprends l'anglais (écrit seulement sinon ce n'est pas marrant) mais que je suis incapable de l'écrire je n'ai jamais été confrontée à cette situation mais je compatis...tu es bien patiente et surtout très sympa je trouve, je crois que je l'aurais été un peu moins... Je pense qu'en effet il faut impérativement que tu trouves rapidement la traduction de "tu m'as prise pour une poire" puis celle de "va te faire cuire un oeuf"!!!

Chatonne-Chatonne a dit…

Eh he oui, lol ^-^; y a des moments où je suis bien découragée.. le pire, c'est que ce ne sont pas de mauvaises personnes sur le reste, mais disons qu'elles sont encore un peu "jeunes" dans leur tête.... à 15-16 ans, certains ne savent pas encore être responsale, et les profs à l'école sont toujorus là pr répondre à leurs questions parfois même "bêtes", alors ils ont le réflexe de "je sais pas" => "je demande" => "je suis servie", et ne remette pas ça en question ^-^;; ah la la, "ces jeunes"! lol