mardi 19 août 2008

Impressionable nerves

While I wasn't sitting and typing when I should have, I read several books the past month. and believe it or not, it's always been one of my favorite hobbies and yet I don't spend time reading books now that I'm in university, because once I start one, I don't want to put it down until I can't keep my eyes open anymore.... You can see how that is incompatible with school work : the addiction's too strong... I simply can't think about something else in my spare time but to go on reading.

So, I've read my first piece of "chick-litt" last month (yeah, I learnt a new term!^^), the first book of the "Shopaholic" series - which promised to be extremely funny or annoying considering the theme - and during the first quarter of it, the novel made me laugh quite a lot, but as the heroine beat her record of craziness and the tension (yes, the tension!) grew higher and higher, I found myself very much tensed up : she was really in deep shit like we say, and I felt too stressed out on her behalf.

Confessions of a Shopaholic
The first book : "Confessions of a Shopaholic"

Not that I identify myself to her to this point, like we could think it upon seeing my reaction, but seeing the heroine putting herself in so much trouble and still trying to turn blind eyes on the matter one second, and panic over it the next one, I grew unnerved.. very much unnerved, and I ended up not being able to fall asleep : I really am too shakeable -__-;

Thinking back, I even sometimes can't sleep because a friend confided her troubles to me, and thinking about them, and worrying over her, sleep is driven away for at least a night while the said friend was, it happened a couple a times, not at all troubled anymore about the matter the very next day and forgot about it as fast as she was long in complaining about it. Making me feel that I'm a stupid girl for worrying over her....for nothing? *sigh*

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